I always find I have difficulties getting garments finished. By the time you get to the final stages, the interesting sewing is done and you're left with boring hemming, and I did exactly the same with this cardigan.
posted previously that I was working on the
Kate Davies Deco cardigan.
After seeing
Kerry's Manu cardigan I checked out Kate Davies designs and totally fell in love with this design. The lines are inspired by art deco buildings and 1920s artwork.
I had the perfect buttons already in my stash and chose the wool to go with them - Rowan Felted Tweed DK in Maritime.
This was to be a portable project to do over Christmas when we were away from home (and away from the sewing machine!), and also to do on the train. However as it is knitted in one piece, it soon got too big to carry about every day for my commute.
Although I have been knitting since I was 7 (my gran taught me and my mum also knits) this was my first adult garment. I knitted when I was pregnant - a couple of blankets, hats and cardigans (I love baby size things - they knit up so fast!) and have done a few since then but I'm only just now learning properly about tension, and how much difference my tight knitting makes to the fit. Yes, I know I should have realised before - but this was my first tension square!
I needed to use 3.25mm (the pattern calls for 3mm) needles to get the right tension and I added 2" extra into the body above the waist shaping and before the pattern started, and the same onto the sleeves.
I learnt so many new techniques on this project - You Tube is an amazing resource for knitting, crochet and sewing how tos! I learnt how to knit the sleeves directly onto the garment using
short row shaping and the wrap and turn method , and a
three needle bind off amongst other things. I must admit I didn't buy an extra 2 sets of circular needles to pick up around the armholes - at £6 a pair that would have been a hefty investment, especially since one was in the size I was already using. I borrowed DPNs from my sister in law and used them instead. The pattern method meant no sewing up at the end, just weaving the ends in. I had also learnt to join the ends together as I knitted after reading a post on Karen's blog about it - I didn't even know this existed, so thanks Karen! Fewer ends to weave in is good. I also learnt to use the
Magic Loop for knitting the sleeves in the round (thanks again You Tube!). Links to all You Tube tutorials are above.
I finished in in February, and blocked it (another new technique to me!). I was slightly concerned on the size pre-blocking as it seemed small, but came out fine.
And then it just needed button bands, snaps and buttons. It waited. And waited. Until the Sewing Bee came on TV and I needed a hand sewing project to do while watching! And of course it was finished in an evening. I used raspberry pink grosgrain ribbon - I love the flash of the contrast colour inside! And the buttons are just perfect in colour and style for the design.
Sorry for the stroppy face - no idea why! I am very pleased with it! |
Very pleased with it and you'll definitely be seeing it duirng Me Made May!