Monday 13 May 2013

Me Made May week 2

Here's what I wore:

7th May - navy spotted Peony
8th May - Gertie Portrait blouse (still to be blogged)
9th May - purple Tiramisu
10th May - double whammy - grey marl Kimono tee and Deco Cardigan
11th May (no picture) - blue marl Kimono tee
12th May - blue birdie Sorbetto (which you can just about see!), Anise jacket
13th May - Alma blouse

Almost half way through May, it still seems to be going well and I'm currently planning my holiday packing to include lots of me-mades!  We leave on Friday - woohoo!

I am noticing a definite colour trend in my me mades - lots of blue, purple and burgundy!

How is your Me Made May going?  Are you enjoying it?  Has it changed your future sewing plans?


  1. You are so good at using indie patterns! Very nice - I love all your outfits! I am enjoying MMM a lot this year, discovering new blogs and getting tons of inspiration! :-)

    1. I am mainly terrible at finding big 4 patterns that I like! also in the UK they aren't much cheaper than the indies. I have found lots of new blogs too!

  2. I've decided I need more cowl necked renfrews (as we head into winter) and I am a casual 'separates' girls. I love my Vogue 1247 skirt. It's embarassing just how much I wear them. And since it's cold at night my Vogue hoodie is enjoying a LOT of wear!

    1. I've just bought the renfrew pattern so looking forward to making a few as well as the kelly skirt. Separates ahoy!

  3. Love your image arrangement! What did you use to create it?

    1. sorry for the delay in replying - i've been on holiday! it's a pic monkey collage. is very easy to use!


Thanks for your comment - it's great to hear from you!